Wednesday, October 14, 2009


According to Daniel Bell,the post industrial era refers to the knowledge society.He says a knowledge society become intimately related because technology is driven by theoretic as opposed to practical knowledge and shares of employment of GDP in the knowledge field become relatively large.t

Broadly speaking, the term Knowledge Society refers to any society where knowledge is the primary production resource instead of capital and labour. It may also refer to the use a certain society gives to information. A Knowledge society "creates, shares and uses knowledge for the prosperity and well-being of its people".[1]


In Sally Burch’s book on Enjeux De Mots Abdul Waheed Khan (general sub-director of UNESCO for ¬Communication and Information) says“Information society is the building block for knowledge societies. Whereas I see the concept of ‘information society’ as linked to the idea of ‘technological innovation’, the concept of ‘knowledge societies’ includes a dimension of social, cultural, economical, political and institutional transformation, and a more pluralistic and developmental perspective. In my view, the concept of ‘knowledge societies’ is preferable to that of the ‘information society’ because it better captures the complexity and dynamism of the changes taking place. (...) the knowledge in question is important not only for economic growth but also for empowering and developing all sectors of society.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Give three definitions of information society

1) Bell Peter Otto and Philipp Sonntag (1985) define an information society as a society where the majority of employees work in information jobs, i.e. they have to deal more with information, signals, symbols, and images than with energy and matter

2) According to Fritz Machlup an information society is a society in which the creation, distribution, diffusion, use, integration and manipulation of information is a significant economic, political, and cultural activity. The knowledge economy is its economic counterpart whereby wealth is created through the economic exploitation of understanding. People that have the means to partake in this form of society are sometimes called digital citizens.
the geography dictionary 1992,1997 and 2004 says an information society is a term put forward by Castells (1993 1-2) to describe a society built on technologies of information storage, retrieval, and transmission, time-space compression, post-Fordism, flexible accumulation, and the advance of finance capital, which is characterized by networking, globalization, and the flexibility, individuality, and instability of work. Castells holds that such a society induces poverty, spurs ‘greed, innovation, and hope, while simultaneously imposing hardship, and installing despair’, while Donert (Geography 85), noting that ‘no place on earth is immune to the new information society’, calls for a legislative framework to recognize and protect the users of cyberspace, and a body responsible for financial issues, especially for taxation.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The libertarian and social responsibility theories

The Social Responsibility Theory (SRT) and Libertarian theory are the two theories which thrive well in A democratic society. These two theories are the foundation of which the media operates in the light of democracy. The Hutchins commission of 1947 brought into being the principles of freedom with a sense of social responsibility. The SRT is an outgrowth of the Libertarian theory since the Libertarian found many lapses in its operation. Social Responsibility therefore is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, cooperation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society. Libertarian theory

The Libertarian theory asserts that man is unique as compared to other creatures since he is endowed with the ability to rationalize and learn and to discover the truth. The theory has many similarities and differs from that of the SRT.

Firstly the Libertarian theory ensures that the media operates well in a democratic system where there is absolute freedom for all. This freedom gives all the ability to access information. According to John Locke, any government which tries in its effort to deny citizens of these right faces the challenge of being voted out of power. This gives the reason that power is in the hands of the people. This very freedom leads to the (free market of ideas).

Another assumption of the Libertarian theory is that there should be free market of ideas. As a tool for democracy it is in the correct sense to allow citizens to air their views on the state of the nation. Currently as than in Ghana this right is vested in the citizens to have a say in the administration of the country through the use of the media. This helps the government and the media as well to know their short falls and adjust measures to suit the society in that democracy is about being for the people, by the people and of the people as you find by Abraham Lincoln.

Libertarian theory hammers on the free marketplace of ideas since expert of this theory have the notion that “the government should exist solely to serve the people”. John Locke again proposed that since man is a rational being the power or the right should be given so he can think and give out his views; this led to the creation of public opinion which is an important characteristic of democracy. Also the free market place should pave way for a competing atmosphere where there will be many media where people can have access to information, exchange ideas and arrive at the truth. Should one medium operate, there will be no democracy let alone freedom. In the absent of competing press or media one will not be objective enough to bring out the truth. This breeds authoritarianism. J.S. Mill wrote “to suppress any idea, no matter how unlikely it may be would mean that one is potentially suppressing the truth”.

Social Responsibility Theorist believes that there is the need for the media to operate in a free and fair atmosphere but ought to do so alongside being accountable to society. The press must exist alright but it important for the press to perform their functions as well as roles.
Accountability in the SRT is done on a larger base while that of the Libertarian is on individual bases. The SRT advocates that the press should be responsible to the society for their publications and not take advantage of the freedom given to all for absolute freedom leads to anarchy. As Stuart Mill said “the freedom of individuals is constraint by the freedom of other individuals”.

Like the Libertarian theory, the SRT also thinks that man should have freedom. The freedom given to man should be positive and not negative. SRT thinks that the freedom should not be such that the business class in the society can influence editorial principles whereby objectivity will be undermined.

Though the SRT also believes in freedom for all, it cautions man to take responsibilities. It is not in favour of abolishing the censorship of the press. For the institution of regulations such as the censorship defines the boundaries within which the press ought to operate. Press laws have rather been enforced and seeks to check the activities of journalist to operate in a more ethical and professional way. As a result the National Media Commission exists in Ghana to ensure that journalists are objective in their reportage.

Unlike the Libertarian theory which believes in self-righting process, the SRT sees man as passive and lethargic and unwilling to use his reason. Rather SRT advocates that man chooses acceptance of what he has been told. The SRT critiques the Libertarian theory for the self-righting process on the basis that this theory operates well in places where freedom reigns and democracy thrives. Again the SRT thinks the theory is solely private, capitalist system of mass media, hence provides no assurance of moral obligation t the public it serves and rejects all ideas geared towards achieving this self-righting process.
